
- name: <string>  # name of the API (required)
  kind: BatchAPI  # must be "BatchAPI" for batch APIs (required)
  pod:  # pod configuration (required)
    port: <int>  # port to which requests will be sent (default: 8080; exported as $CORTEX_PORT)
    containers:  # configurations for the containers to run (at least one constainer must be provided)
      - name: <string>  # name of the container (required)
        image: <string>  # docker image to use for the container (required)
        command: <list[string]>  # entrypoint (not executed within a shell); env vars can be used with e.g. $(CORTEX_PORT) (required)
        args: <list[string]>  # arguments to the entrypoint; env vars can be used with e.g. $(CORTEX_PORT) (default: no args)
        env: <map[string:string]>  # dictionary of environment variables to set in the container (optional)
        compute:  # compute resource requests (default: see below)
          cpu: <string|int|float>  # CPU request for the container; one unit of CPU corresponds to one virtual CPU; fractional requests are allowed, and can be specified as a floating point number or via the "m" suffix (default: 200m)
          gpu: <int>  # GPU request for the container; one unit of GPU corresponds to one virtual GPU (default: 0)
          inf: <int>  # Inferentia request for the container; one unit of inf corresponds to one virtual Inferentia chip (default: 0)
          mem: <string>  # memory request for the container; one unit of memory is one byte and can be expressed as an integer or by using one of these suffixes: K, M, G, T (or their power-of two counterparts: Ki, Mi, Gi, Ti) (default: Null)
          shm: <string>  # size of shared memory (/dev/shm) for sharing data between multiple processes, e.g. 64Mi or 1Gi (default: Null)
        readiness_probe:  # periodic probe of container readiness; traffic will not be sent into the pod unless all containers' readiness probes are succeeding (optional)
          http_get:  # specifies an http endpoint which must respond with status code 200 (only one of http_get, tcp_socket, and exec may be specified)
            port: <int|string>  # the port to access on the container (required)
            path: <string>  # the path to access on the HTTP server (default: /)
          tcp_socket:  # specifies a port which must be ready to receive traffic (only one of http_get, tcp_socket, and exec may be specified)
            port: <int|string>  # the port to access on the container (required)
          initial_delay_seconds: <int>  # number of seconds after the container has started before the probe is initiated (default: 0)
          timeout_seconds: <int>  # number of seconds until the probe times out (default: 1)
          period_seconds: <int>  # how often (in seconds) to perform the probe (default: 10)
          success_threshold: <int>  # minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed (default: 1)
          failure_threshold: <int>  # minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded (default: 3)
        liveness_probe:  # periodic probe of container liveness; container will be restarted if the probe fails (optional)
          http_get:  # specifies an http endpoint which must respond with status code 200 (only one of http_get, tcp_socket, and exec may be specified)
            port: <int|string>  # the port to access on the container (required)
            path: <string>  # the path to access on the HTTP server (default: /)
          tcp_socket:  # specifies a port which must be ready to receive traffic (only one of http_get, tcp_socket, and exec may be specified)
            port: <int|string>  # the port to access on the container (required)
          exec:  # specifies a command to run which must exit with code 0 (only one of http_get, tcp_socket, and exec may be specified)
            command: <list[string]>  # the command to execute inside the container, which is exec'd (not run inside a shell); the working directory is root ('/') in the container's filesystem (required)
          initial_delay_seconds: <int>  # number of seconds after the container has started before the probe is initiated (default: 0)
          timeout_seconds: <int>  # number of seconds until the probe times out (default: 1)
          period_seconds: <int>  # how often (in seconds) to perform the probe (default: 10)
          success_threshold: <int>  # minimum consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed (default: 1)
          failure_threshold: <int>  # minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded (default: 3)
  node_groups: <list[string]>  # a list of node groups on which this API can run (default: all node groups are eligible)
  networking:  # networking configuration (default: see below)
    endpoint: <string>  # endpoint for the API (default: <api_name>)

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