
Private cluster subnets

By default, instances are created in public subnets and are assigned public IP addresses. You can configure all instances in your cluster to use private subnets by setting subnet_visibility: private in your cluster configuration file before creating your cluster. If private subnets are used, instances will not have public IP addresses, and Cortex will create a NAT gateway to allow outgoing network requests.

Private APIs

See networking for a discussion of API visibility.

Private operator

By default, the Cortex cluster operator's load balancer is internet-facing, and therefore publicly accessible (the operator is what the cortex CLI connects to). The operator's load balancer can be configured to be private by setting operator_load_balancer_scheme: internal in your cluster configuration file. If you do this, you will need to configure VPC Peering to allow your CLI to connect to the Cortex operator (this will be necessary to run any cortex commands).

IAM permissions

If you are not using a sensitive AWS account and do not have a lot of experience with IAM configuration, attaching the built-in AdministratorAccess policy to your IAM user will make getting started much easier. If you would like to limit IAM permissions, continue reading.

Cortex uses AWS credentials for 3 main purposes:

  1. Spinning up a cluster (credentials with AdministratorAccess is recommended)

  2. Cluster runtime (see operator policy)

  3. CLI authentication (no special permissions are required)

Cluster spin-up

You can specify credentials for spinning up the cluster in four ways (in order of precedence):

  1. You can specify --aws-key and --aws-secret flags with the command cortex cluster up to indicate the credentials that will be used to create your cluster. Optionally, you can specify --cluster-aws-key and --cluster-aws-secret to specify credentials which will be used by the cluster. When all four flags are specified, the credentials used when spinning up the cluster will not be used by the cluster itself. If --cluster-aws-key and --cluster-aws-secret flags are not specified, then they'll get set to the values of --aws-key and --aws-secret respectively.

  2. From your Cortex CLI cluster cache. If a cluster with the same name and region has existed before, the AWS credentials of that will now be used for the current creation of the cluster.

  3. You can export the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY which will be used to create your cluster. Optionally, you can export CLUSTER_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and CLUSTER_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY to specify credentials which will be used by the cluster. When all four environment variables are set, the credentials used when spinning up the cluster will not be used by the cluster itself. If CLUSTER_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and CLUSTER_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables are not set, then they'll get set to the values of AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY respectively.

  4. You can configure the shared AWS credentials with aws configure which will then be used to create your cluster.

  5. You can specify the AWS credentials "aws access key id" and "aws secret access key" at the CLI's prompt when requested.

It is recommended to use an IAM user with the AdministratorAccess policy to create your cluster, since the CLI requires many permissions for this step, and the list of permissions is evolving as Cortex adds new features. If it is not possible to use AdministratorAccess in your existing AWS account, you could create a separate AWS account for your Cortex cluster, or you could ask someone within your organization to create the Cortex cluster for you.


A process called the Cortex operator runs on your cluster and is responsible for deploying and managing your APIs on the cluster. The operator will use the designated cluster credentials (e.g. --cluster-aws-key or $CLUSTER_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) if specified, otherwise it will default to using the credentials used to spin up the cluster (e.g. --aws-key or $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID).

The operator requires read permissions for any S3 bucket containing exported models, read/write permissions for the Cortex S3 bucket, read permissions for ECR, read permissions for ELB, read/write permissions for CloudWatch metrics, and read/write permissions for the Cortex CloudWatch log group. The policy below may be used to restrict the Operator's access:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:*",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Action": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*"

It is possible to further restrict access by limiting access to particular resources (e.g. allowing access to only the bucket containing your models and the cortex bucket).

Running cortex cluster commands from different IAM users

By default, the cortex cluster * commands can only be executed by the IAM user who created the Cortex cluster. To grant access to additional IAM users, follow these steps:

  1. Install eksctl by following these instructions.

  2. Determine the ARN of the IAM user that you would like to grant access to. You can get the ARN via the IAM dashboard, or by running aws iam get-user on a machine that is authenticated as the IAM user (or AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=*** AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=*** aws iam get-user on any machine, using the credentials of the IAM user). The ARN should look similar to arn:aws:iam::764403040417:user/my-username.

  3. Set the following environment variables:

     CREATOR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=***      # access key ID for the IAM user that created the cluster
     CREATOR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=***  # secret access key for the IAM user that created the cluster
     NEW_USER_ARN=***                   # ARN of the IAM user to grant access to
     CLUSTER_NAME=***                   # the name of your cortex cluster (will be "cortex" unless you specified a different name in your cluster configuration file)
     CLUSTER_REGION=***                 # the region of your cortex cluster
  4. Run the following command:

     AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$CREATOR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$CREATOR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY eksctl create iamidentitymapping --region $CLUSTER_REGION --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME --arn $NEW_USER_ARN --group system:masters --username $NEW_USER_ARN
  5. To revoke access in the future, run:


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