Server-side batching

Server-side batching is the process of aggregating multiple real-time requests into a single batch execution, which increases throughput at the expense of latency. Inference is triggered when either a maximum number of requests have been received, or when a certain amount of time has passed since receiving the first request, whichever comes first. Once a threshold is reached, the handling function is run on the received requests and responses are returned individually back to the clients. This process is transparent to the clients.

The Python and TensorFlow handlers allow for the use of the following 2 fields in the server_side_batching configuration:

  • max_batch_size: The maximum number of requests to aggregate before running inference. This is an instrument for controlling throughput. The maximum size can be achieved if batch_interval is long enough to collect max_batch_size requests.

  • batch_interval: The maximum amount of time to spend waiting for additional requests before running inference on the batch of requests. If fewer than max_batch_size requests are received after waiting the full batch_interval, then inference will run on the requests that have been received. This is an instrument for controlling latency.

Python Handler

When using server-side batching with the Python handler, the arguments that are passed into your handler's function will be lists: payload will be a list of payloads, query_params will be a list of query parameter dictionaries, and headers will be a list of header dictionaries. The lists will all have the same length, where a particular index across all arguments corresponds to a single request (i.e. payload[2], query_params[2], and headers[2] correspond to a single request). Your handle function must return a list of responses in the same order that they were received (i.e. the 3rd element in returned list must be the response associated with payload[2]).

TensorFlow Handler

In order to use server-side batching with the TensorFlow handler, the only requirement is that model's graph must be built such that batches can be accepted as input/output. No modifications to your handler implementation are required.

The following is an example of how the input x and the output y of the graph could be shaped to be compatible with server-side batching:

batch_size = None
sample_shape = [340, 240, 3] # i.e. RGB image
output_shape = [1000] # i.e. image labels

with graph.as_default():
    # ...
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size] + sample_shape, name="input")
    y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size] + output_shape, name="output")
    # ...


Errors will be encountered if the model hasn't been built for batching.

The following error is an example of what happens when the input shape doesn't accommodate batching - e.g. when its shape is [height, width, 3] instead of [batch_size, height, width, 3]:

Batching session Run() input tensors must have at least one dimension.

Here is another example of setting the output shape inappropriately for batching - e.g. when its shape is [labels] instead of [batch_size, labels]:

Batched output tensor has 0 dimensions.

The solution to these errors is to incorporate into the model's graph another dimension (a placeholder for batch size) placed on the first position for both its input and output.

The following is an example of how the input x and the output y of the graph could be shaped to be compatible with server-side batching:

batch_size = None
sample_shape = [340, 240, 3] # i.e. RGB image
output_shape = [1000] # i.e. image labels

with graph.as_default():
    # ...
    x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size] + sample_shape, name="input")
    y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[batch_size] + output_shape, name="output")
    # ...


When optimizing for both throughput and latency, you will likely want keep the max_batch_size to a relatively small value. Even though a higher max_batch_size with a low batch_interval (when there are many requests coming in) can offer a significantly higher throughput, the overall latency could be quite large. The reason is that for a request to get back a response, it has to wait until the entire batch is processed, which means that the added latency due to the batch_interval can pale in comparison. For instance, let's assume that a single request takes 50ms, and that when the batch size is set to 128, the processing time for a batch is 1280ms (i.e. 10ms per sample). So while the throughput is now 5 times higher, it takes 1280ms + batch_interval to get back a response (instead of 50ms). This is the trade-off with server-side batching.

When optimizing for maximum throughput, a good rule of thumb is to follow these steps:

  1. Determine the maximum throughput of one API replica when server_side_batching is not enabled (same as if max_batch_size were set to 1). This can be done with a load test (make sure to set max_replicas to 1 to disable autoscaling).

  2. Determine the highest batch_interval with which you are still comfortable for your application. Keep in mind that the batch interval is not the only component of the overall latency - the inference on the batch and the pre/post processing also have to occur.

  3. Multiply the maximum throughput from step 1 by the batch_interval from step 2. The result is a number which you can assign to max_batch_size.

  4. Run the load test again. If the inference fails with that batch size (e.g. due to running out of GPU or RAM memory), then reduce max_batch_size to a level that works (reduce batch_interval by the same factor).

  5. Use the load test to determine the peak throughput of the API replica. Multiply the observed throughput by the batch_interval to calculate the average batch size. If the average batch size coincides with max_batch_size, then it might mean that the throughput could still be further increased by increasing max_batch_size. If it's lower, then it means that batch_interval is triggering the inference before max_batch_size requests have been aggregated. If modifying both max_batch_size and batch_interval doesn't improve the throughput, then the service may be bottlenecked by something else (e.g. CPU, network IO, processes_per_replica, threads_per_process, etc).

Last updated